The Final Guardrail is US

The Final Guardrail is US

American democracy is built on a system of checks and balances, created by our founders and enshrined in our constitution, to prevent exactly the thing that is happening today.

We are the federal law. You better do it because you’re not going to get federal funding.
— Donald J. Trump1

Strike for Democracy

Congress has Given Up its Power

Since every GOP congressperson who voted to impeach during Trump’s first term has lost their seats, it should be no surprise that they’re loathe to oppose— much less impeach— the president, no matter how obviously this administration has gone off the rails. So, what happens if the courts can’t stop the Trump regime? What if Project 2025 leadership decides to just ignore court orders, given that no enforcement mechanism exists outside the executive branch?

Then we’ve got to take to the streets in a different way—We’ve got to shut down this country.
— Anthony Romero, ACLU2

This joke isn’t funny anymore

We’ve spoken to our fellow Americans at protests and in line at the grocery store, in the living rooms of friends and family, in online communities and in the offices of our co-workers; the conversations all have a common theme— many of us are just scared shitless and we don’t know what to do or what’s going to happen. Eventually many of us will get to the point where just about anything would be better than letting this administration continue to take away our freedoms, recklessly destroy our government, and ally themselves with foreign dictatorships while the rest of the free world is asking “WHAT THE HELL, AMERICA?”

Strike for Democracy has a Plan.3

Fixing America will be hard— but not as hard as COVID was

Give me liberty, or give me death.
— Patrick Henry

Seriously— if Hamster Kombat can amass a whopping FORTY-TWO MILLION subscribers to their Telegram channel, we should be able to scrape together a measly 12-14 million fed-up Americans to wield a force more powerful than a blow-hard’s alternate reality vortex— our collective stubborn refusal to go along with this bullshit. We’ll shut down this country and force congress to act.

Join the Resistance

Here’s how you can add your voice to the cause:

  • Grab your phone and create your Telegram account
  • Subscribe to the Strike for Democracy channel for updates and weekly strike readiness polls
  • When you’ve had enough and the COVID lockdowns are starting to sound like a pleasant diversion, click YES on the weekly poll

That’s it— once our polling numbers reach the 12-14 million range, just a fraction of the Hamster Kombat players, we’ll call a strike. We’ll grind everything to a halt and demand that our representatives start representing.

If you’re feeling extra motivated…

Display the Strike for Democracy Lightning ⚡ Strike

We might need to accept the possibility of encountering hatefulness, or even violence, when we show others that we’re part of SfD— but consider for a moment how you will feel when you start seeing that lightning strike; on shirts and jacket sleeves, scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk and brick buildings, or posted in store windows or on company websites. That’s the hopeful feeling you’ll be creating in others.

Now consider how it will feel for the pres, veep and GOP congresspeople riding around in their armored cars, seeing those lightning strikes, and knowing that it means America is PISSED OFF. Our elected officials need to know that while many Americans voted with the hope of a stronger economy, nobody4 voted for a dictator presiding over a tanking economy and the destruction of our government.

Finally, as we get close to the strike, we want you all to see, and know, that you are not alone.

Encourage others to Join the Cause

Tell your friends and family, and spread the word on social media with the hashtag #StrikeForDemocracy. Provide links to or, and/or the Telegram channel: Start building a circle of support. Together, we can fight this—

We’re in this together5.

  1. Speaking to Janet Mills, the governor of Maine, at the National Governor’s Association event on February 21, 2025. ↩︎

  2. From The New Yorker interview with Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU. ↩︎

  3. Well, more of a scheme, really. j/k - see resources for the source materials that informed our plan. ↩︎

  4. Ok, let’s be honest that some ‘accelerationists’ are trying to bring about The Great Replacement, but geez, let’s hope that’s a pretty small number. ↩︎

  5. With a nod to Joyce Vance for the phrase that always brings comfort. ↩︎