Additional Resources
The Research behind Strike for Democracy
The ideas behind the movement formed and evolved over the course of a several weeks, incrementally improving as more research was done. Here are the primary sources that influenced us:
- The Bringing Down a Dictator documentary led us to commit to non-violent means to bring about change, and reminded us not to lose our sense of humor as we tackled these weighty matters.
- The Harvard Business School has a scholarly article; it’s also useful to see how the AI rated our movement.
- The Guardian article is a really good TL;DR version of the HBS article.
- We found the General Strike website early on, but it didn’t align completely with our vision.
Staying Informed, Other Resistance Movements
It is grueling, at times, staying current with the horrific events we’re seeing at a furious pace— here are a few others sites that we have found useful both for staying on top of current events and for finding community with like-minded individuals.
- Indivisible has local groups all across the nation
- Choose Democracy has a variety of informational and training resources
- Is this a Coup? regularly posts summary updates of the most damning actions of the Trump regime, and also has a number of good links to additional resources
If you’re ready to strike, don’t rely solely on us
We weren’t the first to decide our country would need to strike to spur action— after Roe v. Wade was overturned, a couple of friends in New York City created THE GENERAL STRIKE. We hope that we are among the first few of what we hope will be several movements to organize a nationwide strike— this seems like a good opportunity for America’s favorite adopted son, John Oliver.